Our mission is to make affordable high-speed Internet available to all homes, businesses, schools, libraries, medical facilities, government offices, and other public places across the Commonwealth.
MBI works closely with the Administration, the state legislature, municipalities, broadband service providers, and other key stakeholders to bridge the digital divide in Massachusetts. The Commonwealth created the MBI as a division of the MassTech Collaborative when signing the Broadband Act into law in August 2008.
Broadband is critical to strengthening our economy, improving educational opportunities, and enhancing the delivery of health care, public safety and other government services. MBI’s investments center around the MassBroadband 123 network deployed in the western and central regions of the state, but also include support for communities, organizations, and providers statewide. MBI built the MassBroadband 123 network to connect over 120 communities and serve as a building block for region. MBI is providing grants and technical support to design and deploy new Last Mile networks in these communities.
MBI Fact
Chapter 231 of the Acts of 2008 established MBI as a new division within the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative. The legislation provided up to $40 million bonding authorization to close broadband gaps.