April 1 - June 30, 2011
- Received bids from shortlisted entities in the Design Build Request For Proposal (RFP) and negotiated a mutually agreeable proposed contract with a winning bidder.
- Issued RFP for Dark Fiber Indefeasible Right of Use (IRU) services to connect the MassBroadband 123 network to Internet connection facilities in the Boston area.
- Executed agreement with the Massachusetts Information Technology Division for lease of broadband services for a 25-year renewable term covering state offices and public safety locations served by the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security.
- Negotiated and executed Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) for field data survey and collection with municipal pole owners in the towns of Russell, Princeton,
- Chester, Templeton, and Granby.
- Executed pole attachment agreements with Verizon, Russell Municipal, and Princeton Municipal, and actively negotiating with other municipal utility companies.
- Executed conduit license agreement with Verizon.
- Continued field data collection for project entirety, receiving data for over 10,000 poles during the quarter for a total of over 12,500 poles for the project thus far.
- Continued application for pole licenses/make ready and conduit licenses, submitting applications for over 4,800 poles during the quarter for a total of over 6,600 poles for the project thus far. Submitted applications for over 10 miles of conduit licensing.
- Began make ready reconciliation process with Verizon and Western Massachusetts Electric Company (WMECO) and issued first payments authorizing make ready construction work.
- Prepared applications for environmental permits, railroad crossings, and Massachusetts Department of Transportation permits.
- Developed plan for Community Anchor Institute (CAI) outreach and efforts to inform institutions of the interconnection opportunities provided by the network.