July 1 - September 30, 2013
- Received 193 additional Verizon pole licenses for a total of 32,513 (99% complete).
- Received 49 additional electric utility pole licenses for a total of 30,202 (99% complete).
- Installed 27 additional route miles of messenger strand for a total of 880 route miles for the project (99% complete).
- Installed 91 additional cable miles of aerial fiber optic cable for a total of 990 cable miles (including slack and sag) for the project (99% complete).
- Completed 38 miles of IRU fiber (100% complete)
- Received licenses for 1 additional mile of conduit for a total of 42 miles to date (100% complete).
- Installed 12,092 additional feet of conduit for a total of 47,309 feet for the project (98% complete).
- Completed 56 additional Community Anchor Institution site installations for a total of 767 locations for the project (99% complete).
- Completed 204 additional Community Anchor Institution fiber terminations and testing for a total of 537 locations for the project (68% of location complete).
- Completed 5 additional Point of Interconnection and collocation site installations for a total of 27 to date (100% complete).
- Completed turnover of 2 additional Points of Interconnection to Network Operator (26% complete).
- Completed turnover of 3 additional network segments to Network Operator (10% complete).
- Completed turnover of 80 additional Community Anchor institutions (6% complete).