The Launchpad Program, which represents $9.44 million through the Digital Equity Act (DEA) Capacity Grant funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, is open. Submit your concept paper before Friday, April 25 at 5:00 p.m. EST. Submit questions to this form by Friday, March 14.
Submit Concept Paper Register - March 12 Webinar
Program Description
The goal of the Launchpad Program is to distribute $9.44 million in two-year grants to non-profit and public sector entities capable of strengthening digital access and adoption for Massachusetts residents.
Covered Populations, as defined by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), include:
- Individuals who live in Covered Households (defined as households with income from the most recently completed year of not more than 150% of the poverty level);
- Aging individuals;
- Incarcerated individuals, other than individuals who are incarcerated in a federal correctional facility;
- Veterans;
- Individuals with disabilities;
- Individuals with a language barrier, including English learners and those with low levels of literacy;
- Individuals who are members of a racial or ethnic minority group; and
- Individuals who primarily reside in a rural area.
Selected applicants will have two years to implement their proposed projects. Proposals may not exceed a $1,000,000 budget. Only the most compelling proposals will be considered for awards at the maximum amount.
Applicants must comply with the reporting requirements described in the solicitation. Please refer to Section 2 in the solicitation [link] for more information. Quarterly narrative and metric reporting are required deliverables for invoicing. The Launchpad Program is a cost only reimbursement payment structure.
MBI expects to notify selected awardees in September 2025.
Applicants should understand the needs of Covered Populations and have a history of providing access to services and resources. Eligible applicants include:
- Nonprofit organizations, including community-based organizations;
- Municipalities;
- Regional planning agencies;
- Philanthropic foundations;
- State agencies or quasi-governmental entities;
- Educational or health care providers;
- Community action agencies; and
- Coalitions of multiple organizations may partner to best implement proposed projects.
Applicants may apply for one or more of six initiative areas for a two-year performance period.
- Wi-Fi Access Initiative: Establish WiFi systems in affordable (public housing or otherwise subsidized by federal or state sources) multi-unit buildings or low-income neighborhoods that provide free, in unit, broadband internet use.
- Public Space Internet Modernization Initiative: Make improvements to inadequate broadband infrastructure and resources in public spaces.
- Connectivity Initiative for Economic Hardship: Provide cellular Wi-Fi hotspots to individuals experiencing economic hardship, including individuals lacking stable housing, where they are unable to have a fixed broadband internet subscription or individuals who were eligible for the Federal Communications Commission’s Affordable Connectivity Program (“ACP”) (refer to FCC guidance for complete list of eligibility criteria) prior to February 8, 2024.
- Digital Literacy Initiative: Establish and implement digital literacy training programs to ensure that target populations have the requisite skills to use devices, online resources and digital tools.
- Device Distribution and Refurbishment Initiative: Secure new or used internet-connected devices that can be distributed to residents. For used devices, the organization will train individuals to refurbish devices, and the devices will be properly refurbished prior to distribution. The organization will be responsible for tracking, monitoring and reporting on distributed devices.
- Education, Outreach, and Adoption Support Initiative: Provision of outreach, engagement, coalition-building, and/or digital navigation services designed to increase success of digital programming, including awareness and adoption of lower cost internet options, digital literacy programs, devices access and Wi-Fi or hotspot connectivity.
Please refer to Section 2 of the solicitation for more information about Launchpad Program activities and eligible costs.
Applicants must follow a two-step application process:
Step 1: Submit concept paper by Friday, April 25 at 5:00 p.m. EST.
Step 2: Respondents who meet all criteria based on MBI’s review of their concept paper will be notified by Thursday, May 15 of their invitation to submit a full application. Respondents must submit their full application by Wednesday, July 16 at 5:00 p.m. EST.
Please refer to the Launchpad Program solicitation webpage for further details, including a Word document of the concept paper and full application questions. Information related to the concept paper review process can be found within Section 3.3 of the solicitation.
The Launchpad Program builds on the success of MBI’s Digital Equity Partnerships Program and intends to address gaps in MBI’s current portfolio of programs.
To close these gaps, MBI will prioritize Launchpad Program funding to entities reaching residents in select geographies and impacting specific populations, as follows:
Priority Geographic Locations
- Barnstable, Bristol, and Worcester Counties, including but not limited to Gateway Municipalities (i.e., municipalities with a population between 35,000-250,000 with a median household income below the state's average and a rate of educational attainment of a bachelor's degree or above that is below the State’s average) and state-designated rural communities as defined by the Massachusetts State Office of Rural Health.
Priority Covered Populations
- Incarcerated/formerly incarcerated individuals, residents with language barriers and veterans
Note that funding priorities will be given a bonus in full application scoring. Eligible entities are encouraged to apply regardless of the geography or Covered Population they propose to serve.
MBI will partner with the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) to host office hours and informational webinars through the two-step application process. These virtual meetings will serve as opportunities for interested entities to learn more about the program, ask questions and receive feedback.
Upcoming Sessions
- Register for Launchpad Program informational webinar on Wednesday, March 12 at 1:00 p.m.
Helpful Resources
- Solicitation webpage
- Statewide Digital Equity Plan
- Asset Inventory
- Digital Equity Resource List will be posted online by Friday, March 28
Please contact broadband@masstech.org if you have questions or need assistance.